Expressions of interest open for a new host organisation for the Cambrian Community Rail Partnership to manage a hosting agreement with Transport for Wales and Avanti West Coast.

We are an accredited Community Rail Partnership, awarded by the Community Rail Network, Department for Transport and Welsh Government. Mr Neil Scott, Chair invites you to visit our website The Cambrian Line | Railway which highlights the work we do in connecting communities to their railways.
The Cambrian Railway spans 120 miles of unspoilt natural beauty and is one of the most scenic routes in Britain. From Shrewsbury in Shropshire, the Cambrian Main Line takes you over the border into Wales, through rugged mountain terrain, quaint market towns, World Heritage sites and castles, cross country towards the picturesque West Coast of Wales. Here it merges into the Cambrian Coast Line offering spectacular views, coastal walks and places to visit along the length of the Wales coastal path.

Our partnership members include Transport for Wales, Avanti West Coast, Network Rail, British Transport Police, Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railway, Talyllyn Railway, Snowdonia National Park, Ceredigion County Council, Gwynedd Council, Station Adoption representatives, Tourism representatives and third sector partners.
The business activity plan is delivered by all members, led by a Community Rail Officer.
Our plan aims to:
providing a voice for the community
promoting sustainable, healthy and accessible travel
bringing communities together and supporting diversity and inclusion
supporting social and economic development
The Community Rail Partnership is very proactive with a positive presence on social media.
We are looking to work with an organisation that excels in:
good governance
sustainable funding and a successful track record in bidding, securing and managing external funding from a variety of sources
developing resilience in voluntary sector organisations
managing finances
community engagement and influencing
We particularly welcome applications from third sector organisations with interests in place-based community led projects, community development and engagement with a good knowledge of the area covered by the Cambrian CRP.
Expressions of interest are invited via email up to 14th May 2024.
Please email Neil Scott, Chair for further information.
Find out more about Community Rail here What is community rail? - Community Rail Network